COVID-19 Statement
March 23, 2020
Dear Valued Customer:
Lyco Manufacturing, Inc. is working diligently to maintain our productivity at 100% capacity to meet your needs. We realize we have an obligation to support all of our customers that are doing their utmost to Feed the World in these uncertain times.
Lyco’s belief of Providing a Safe Work Environment, with a Quality Product, On Time and at a Profit along with our beliefs in God, Family, People and Business in that Order have been a tremendously effective guide for us during this crisis.
A few of the actions we have taken to ensure the safety of our associates are:
- We stopped all airline travel.
- We have limited work related automobile travel to “essential” travel as we evaluate each trip prior to dispatching our associates.
- We have split our manufacturing workforce into 3 shifts to enhance social distancing.
- We have implemented a work from home effort, currently many of our associates are working from home.
- Of course, we have implemented all the hygiene standards as recommended by the CDC.
- Procurement is working with all of our vendors to assure we can receive the required components to meet our production needs.
As you all know the situation changes minute by minute as we continue to monitor and adapt our plan to meet those challenges while maintaining our goal to maintain full production to meet your needs.
With the uncertainty of the situation we are asking our customer to help us, help you by streamlining the Process.
- If we have a Master Supply Agreement, it is our intent to use those agreement for Purchase Order T&C with the understanding that this is a time to look at Delay Clause and Force Marjorie clauses.
- With any order we will provide you with expected shipping dates, but they cannot be guaranteed because of world conditions and we’ll inform you immediately if anything changes.
- In 2019 Lyco reviewed our Standard Terms of Sale to make them fair to both parties. It is our request that if you do not have a Master Supply Agreement with Lyco that we abide by the Lyco Terms of Sale as this will reduce the administration time of negotiating complex Terms and Conditions.
Thank you for your assistance on this matter and please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns.
William Zittel | President